[libav-tools] Streaming to youtube
Jon Lee
2016-05-06 12:40:43 UTC
I am wondering if there is a way to use libav-tools to capture the contents
of a specified window and then live stream it to youtube? I am also willing
to use a very low 5 fps.

Currently I have an opencv window that takes in webcam footage and then
checks for movement. I want to call on avconv to record the window ID that
belongs to the opencv window. Is this possible?
Luca Barbato
2016-05-22 16:52:58 UTC
Post by Jon Lee
I am wondering if there is a way to use libav-tools to capture the contents
of a specified window and then live stream it to youtube? I am also willing
to use a very low 5 fps.
Currently I have an opencv window that takes in webcam footage and then
checks for movement. I want to call on avconv to record the window ID that
belongs to the opencv window. Is this possible?
The xcb based grabber can grab an area so far, adding support for window
ID might be a nice idea indeed.

